Julia and Liv made it !!

On July 12, we attended the IHK's graduation ceremony in Kiel and celebrated our trainees Julia Lahann and Liv Marit Brücker, who successfully completed their training and can now call themselves "shipping and chartering manager specializing in tramp trade" ( "Schifffahrtskauffrau in der Fachrichtung Trampfahrt").

A week later, there was a small post-graduation party at the Rendsburg office - with small bouquets of flowers and our cuddly four-legged feel-good manager Allie.

We are very proud of both of them and are all the more pleased that they are staying with our team:

We were able to recruit Liv for operating in our chartering department - and Julia is strengthening the agency departments.

Many thanks also to our (obviously) successful trainers: Christopher Detlevsen and Jessika Sack!

We are looking for you!

We are currently looking for reinforcements and we are also offering vocational training every year.

Detailed information can be found on "Career" resp. at "Karriere" on our German tab